Awaken The King


Mitch Edland Episode 8

Honor is something that exists on some level throughout every culture within the world. In fact, it's been said that a civilization can't advance without honor. I believe your relationship with God can't advance without honor either! 

When I say the word "honor" what is the first thought that comes to your mind? Be honest with yourself - do you think of receiving honor or giving honor?

In this episode, we’ll be talking about honor. We’ll seek to define honor, get into the depth of why honor is essential, how we honor God and what makes being honored special.

If you want to learn about honor, this episode is for you. You might need to grab a notebook and a pen to jot down some notes. Listen in.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

[01:10] What is honor?

[02:36] Why is honor essential?

[06:59] What makes being honored special?

Standout Quotes from the Episode:

“We don’t honor people because they’re honorable, we honor people because we are honorable.”- Pastor Keith.

“You can’t be judging someone and giving honor at the same time.”

“Showing someone honor is like speaking a blessing over them.”

“Honoring someone is so powerful, it can cause them to change the way they think, change their attitude and raise them to a higher level.”

“When you honor someone, even if you don’t think they deserve it, it creates an automatic vacuum over their life that causes them to rise or lift to the level of honor that you’ve given them.”

“Giving honor draws people to you, and in every relationship, if it’s going to work, honor has to be present.”

“If you honor as a king honors, you’ll be honored as a king.”

Verses Mentioned in the Episode:

·      John 12:26

·      1st Samuel 2:30

·      Romans 12:10

·      1st Peter 2:17