Awaken The King

Honor God With Your Money/ First Fruit

Mitch Edland Episode 3

In today’s episode, I’m going to talk to you about something people generally don’t like to talk about. I’m discussing the ways in which you can use your money to honor God, deepen your connection to Him, and allow yourself to receive His blessings.

Let’s begin by giving thanks to God for all that He is giving and all the good He is doing. Looking at the news only highlights what is bad in the world. You need to look beyond that and be thankful for what He has already given us. Giving thanks is a continuous practice, but an important one.

Now, let’s talk about questions. Questions cause us to think and change our perspective. You need to ask yourself higher level questions to begin thinking at a higher level. 

When it comes to your finances, ask yourself, what am I doing to honor God? Remember that where your heart is, so is your treasure. The easiest way to honor Him is by first offering fruits. By that, I mean offering the first 10% of your increase to Him to show that He comes before all else. Ask yourself if you haven’t been doing this, why not? Ask if what you are doing honors God. If the answer is no, reflect on your habits and look at your budget to make the changes you need to be able to offer your first fruits.

Remember that you cannot out give God. What you give to Him, He will return many times over. Give to wherever you are spiritually fed and trust your Pastor to use your tithe to help the world. Intentionally think higher to deepen your connection to God. Honor Him and open the door to His blessings.

Standout Quotes:
“Giving thanks is a continuous practice, but an important one.”
You must ask yourself higher level questions to begin thinking at a higher level.
“Where your heart is, so is your treasure. Honor God first and watch Him open the door to your blessings.”
“You cannot out-give God, the more you give Him, the more God will give you in return as long as your heart’s right.”